This a very common problem faced by literally all of us at some point or the other. Let us see what all are the important things we need to know in this regard. CAUSES : DENTAL CAUSES : Poor oral hygiene maintenance - when you don’t maintain your oral health properly all the plaque starts getting collected on the tooth surface and finally starts getting accumulating near the gum margins penetrating further inside which causes inflammation of your gums referred to as GINGIVITIS in medical terms causing them to bleed easily either when your brush or when you eat any hard food substances. Not brushing the right way - sometimes we are unaware of the correct brushing techniques and we start to put unnecessary force to brush and in the harshest way sometimes causing injury to the gums causing them to bleed. Improper flossing - it is very important to floss but it is also very important to floss the right way. There are so many tutorials a...