
Showing posts from November, 2018


This a very common problem faced by literally all of us at some point or the other. Let us see what all are the important things we need to know in this regard. CAUSES : DENTAL CAUSES : Poor oral hygiene maintenance - when you don’t maintain your oral health properly all the plaque starts getting collected on the tooth surface and finally starts getting accumulating near the gum margins penetrating further inside which causes inflammation of your gums referred to as GINGIVITIS in medical terms causing them to bleed easily either when your brush or when you eat any hard food substances. Not brushing the right way - sometimes we are unaware of the correct brushing techniques and we start to put unnecessary force to brush and in the harshest way sometimes causing injury to the gums causing them to bleed.   Improper flossing - it is very important to floss but it is also very important to floss the right way. There are so many tutorials a...


WHAT ARE DENTURES? Dentures are nothing but replacements of missing teeth which may be lost due to any reason.  WHO NEEDS DENTURES? Mostly required by elderly people because of the loosening to the teeth due to certain gum problems or bone loss or decay process etc but can also be needed by young or middle-aged individuals due to some other reasons resulting in tooth loss such as trauma other than decay etc. Therefore anyone who has lost a tooth or multiple teeth requires an artificial one either to restore proper function that is eating food and chewing or to restore aesthetics can use dentures. WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF DENTURES AVAILABLE? Firstly, depending on the number of teeth to be replaced we have : Complete dentures — wherein all the teeth are replaced by the artificial teeth. done in cases where the individual doesn’t have even a single natural tooth and has lost all of them due to any of the reasons mentioned above. ...


Also known as the third molar. THE BIGGEST MYTH - IS MY WISDOM TOOTH REALLY ASSOCIATED WITH MY WISDOM? Haha, no.  How can a tooth be associated with wisdom anyway? Maybe it is just called so because it is the last one to come mainly during puberty and by that time we are more wiser than what we were during our childhood days when other permanent teeth were coming. WHAT IS A WISDOM TOOTH? Wisdom tooth is also known as the third molar is one such tooth which erupts at the last usually around 17-24 years and need not necessarily erupt in all individuals. Also, it might erupt completely in some people and partially in some other individuals depending on the space available in the jaw region to accommodate a new tooth. They are four in number, one in each of the four quadrants. WHY DO I NOT HAVE A WISDOM TOOTH BUT MY FRIEND HAS? As I mentioned before that it is completely normal to not have a wisdom tooth or to have one, whatsoever might be the ca...