You might have heard about some common myths related to dentistry from your friends, relatives or someone else. It's time to bust them!

Let's look at what all they are:

Myth No. 1: Brushing before the dental appointment will make the dentist not notice that regular brushing is not done since the last dental visit.

THE TRUTH: Dentists would have seen multiple patients by now and he will easily come to know from any debris that will be located underneath your gums that what level of oral hygiene you are maintaining since he/she expertise in that!

Myth No. 2: If gums are bleeding, brushing and flossing should not be done.

THE TRUTH: The opposite of this will, however, be true but not this! if your gums are bleeding then that is a definite indication that your oral health is not in a good state and hence requires more attention. switching to a soft bristle toothbrush and careful flossing twice a day will help to clean the area and reduce inflammation and further will help to bring the bleeding down. however, if it still persists, a visit to a dentist would be a good idea.

Myth No. 3: Having the wisdom teeth removed will prevent crowding of the teeth.

THE TRUTH: This can occur but in rare cases. also crowding can be owed to a variety of other things which are more common rather than the wisdom tooth being the culprit like largely sized teeth with small sized jaws, delayed exfoliation of deciduous teeth, supernumerary teeth etc. 

Myth No. 4: The more you brush the healthier your teeth will be.

THE TRUTH: No dentist recommends brushing for more than 2 minutes. it is the brushing technique that matters and not the duration of brushing. Also brushing a lot will cause loss of enamel on the tooth structure which can result in tooth sensitivity and you will not be able to eat your favourite ice cream!

Myth No. 5: Children need not be taken to the dentist until they have their second tooth.

THE TRUTH: Children should be taken for regular dental checkups just like adults. primary teeth if not looked after well can prove to be a source of decay or infection to the developing second or the permanent tooth. Also taking them at a young age for regular checkups also inculcates a good habit in them.

Myth No. 6: Teeth whitening is harmful as it can damage the teeth.

THE TRUTH: Professionally and carefully done teeth whitening procedures are not at all harmful to the teeth. In fact, the boost your confidence and makes your smile esthetically pleasing to everyone around you!

Myth No. 7: Dental treatment should be avoided during pregnancy.

THE TRUTH: Dental treatment can be done with proper precautions in the 2nd trimester while it should be avoided in the first and the third trimester. Pregnant women, however, can continue with their regular dental checkups.

Myth No. 8: Women lose a tooth for each child they have given birth to.

THE TRUTH: No! During pregnancy, some women develop something called as the pregnancy gingivitis and with the condition the gums become inflamed but with proper brushing and flossing technique if followed can control this condition, however, a tooth loss is highly unlikely!

Myth No. 9: Dental X-rays are unnecessary.

THE TRUTH: Dental X-rays are an absolute indication I feel when treating a patient and for correct diagnosis so that the doctor can devise an effective treatment plan for that particular patient. The tooth is a hard structure and any pathology inside it needs to be detected and hence x-rays are needed.

Myth No. 10: Weight loss can affect the fit of your dentures.

THE TRUTH: Weight loss has nothing to do with the fit of your denture. the fit of your denture depends on the underlying tissue, its resiliency and the bone and its density on which the tissue rests and further which supports the dentures. if the tissues are flabby or inadequate or if the bone is resorbed and not dense then they can severely affect the fit of your dentures.

Myth No. 11: If there is no visible problem with my teeth, I don't have to see a dentist.

THE TRUTH: "Prevention is better than cure" we all are aware of this saying, which gives an answer to this thing.

Myth No. 12: My parents had good dental health so I don't really have to worry about mine.

THE TRUTH: A lot of oral diseases are genetic but only in a fraction of the population. Having a good oral health, therefore, lies in your hands.

Myth No. 13: Scaling makes teeth lose.

THE TRUTH: Scaling removes all the deposits both hard and soft that were stuck between the teeth that's all and those teeth were splinted by the deposit so once the deposit is out the splinting action is lost.

Myth No.14: If I have a toothache, placing an aspirin tablet next to the tooth will relieve pain.

THE TRUTH: NO! Don't even think of doing this mistake. Putting an aspirin tablet next to the aching tooth will not cure the pain instead will lead to chemical burn.

Myth No. 15: Chewing sugar-free gum is just as good as brushing.

THE TRUTH: Chewing sugar-free gums is definitely helpful in some mechanical cleansing action for removal of debris but its cleansing potential can never be compared to brushing any day. It can just act as an adjunct to the conventional toothbrushing.

Myth No. 16: When it comes to cavities, sugar is the main culprit.

THE TRUTH: Cavities occurs mainly because of the interaction of 3 factors that is - a diet that you consume, the microbes involved and the susceptible tooth structure itself. In diet yes, sugars are one of the reasons that can lead to increased chances of cavities but other junk foods like chips etc which are sticky and have increased starch content are responsible for cavities to occur if they are consumed in your diet.

Myth No. 17: Everyone has to have their wisdom teeth taken out.

THE TRUTH: No! I myself haven't gotten any extractions of wisdom tooth. Only if the wisdom tooth is symptomatic and it is causing you discomfort should it be removed or if it is decayed and can not be restored. 

I am sure now you would not believe in what people say about these because you have got all the reasoning!

Thanks for reading :)


  1. WOW. Even I was not aware of many of these facts. Thanks for enlightening. Looking forward to more wisdom

  2. Nice and informative. Specially ones related to scaling n chewing sugar-free gums .


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